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Saturday, March 27, 2010

iPhone: Line2 allows users to make WIFI calls

The NY Times reports about a new iPhone app called Line2. The app allows iPhone users to receive phone calls over a WIFI connection, set up a new number (ala Google Voice) but also set up call routing. Small businesses can set up prompts (Press 1 for Accounting, 2 for Sales department, etc.).

Most interestingly, is that this app is still available. Apple reported that they blocked Google Voice because Google's app replaced, "Apple's user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls." However, Line2 uses the iPhone's native interface and phone technology so its not replacing anything, other than AT&T.

How much longer can this app survive? Especially considering that AT&T is the one being hurt here, and they are also subsidizing the hardware.


  1. This further shows that the game is not about voice.

  2. Or Apple could be strategically attempting to infuriate Google. There is lots of news around how angry Apple/Steve Jobs have been at Google since the release of the gPhone.
